Wednesday, March 4

The Trees

the tips of the trees were on fire.
They burned with the setting sun.
Auburn red.
Flames engulfing the earth.
They burned as the day came to a close.

Standing straight
their branches envelope the earth.
They are stationed with good posture,
as if they went to Catholic school and were forced to stand up straight in line or else get rapped on the hand with a ruler.
They are like soldiers,
stationary. They cannot move but upwards,
towards the heavens.

Their golden bark glows in the light
as it dims. Their naked limbs are cold
with the coming darkness of night.

They beckon to me to join their party
in the mysterious forest beyond,
to dance underneath them and hear my
heavy feet crunch the dead leaves below them.

I look up and see the sun slipping from branch to branch,
all the way down to the mossy ground.

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