Monday, January 26

Untitled Poem

The peaceful glistening, shimmering, shining of the snowflakes brings serenity to my soul.

The cold soothes the furious fires within my body,

unknots the coil of my stomache, allowing me to breathe.

The brisk January air turns my nose, cheeks and ears to a rosey pink-- a shade of subdued hope.

The flakes catch on my eyelashes and my lips, soft and tingly like a lovers touch, but they leave not love for passion is laking in the cold.

They are prevented from getting to my heart for my scarf, twisted in knots like my insides, is wrapped around my neck, protecting my chest from this winter storm.

Quickly, bouncing along the sidewalk, my red shoes glistening on the concrete, my red coat shimmering with moisture from the snow

Quickly I stroll, hands hiding in pockets, I retreat to my warm den, my comfortable abode.

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