Sunday, February 28

Weekly reflection:

This past week was my trial for my Ambitions & Goals lists that I made last week. Let me reflect on how I did:

I choose reading over tv in the sense that I decided to give up tv for lent, so I have successfully not watched any tv or movies, but I did somewhat cheat Friday night and watched the past two episodes of The Bachelor online. So minor fail. But it feels more freeing not sitting infront of a mindless TV show ( know, in front of the real tv because the bachelor is totally cool....)

I definitely have not been eating more healthy or drinking lots of water, but now since there's only like two weeks till Spring Break I will definitely make sure to do so, starting right now!

I think I did smile a good bit this past week and am doing an OK job at appreciating the little things.

I have been really trying to love more, and I like doing it!

I have been writing more often for sure, which feels great, but it hasn't been daily.

I think I only ran once last week. Fail.

Definitely have no idea what is going on in the news right now, might have to scratch that one in the near future.

Have not read a new poem, hopefully I can get to that soon. Did write a poem though.

Didn't talk to my Nana :(

The whole doing something to make someone else happy is easier when you try to always love.

I tried something new with the MOSAIC diversity and leadership retreat I went on this weekend!

Can't remember any adventures... :(

Made a TON of new friends!

Tried a new recipie: chocolate biscotti, yummmm!
And do something spontaneous: hung out with friends at the diner after the Gathering and randomly high-fived a flannel wearing person I didn't know- pretty fun!

So here's to a new week: A new me, defined by more significant actions that will hopefully leave the week better for not only myself but those around me.

Inspirational qoute for the week:
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." - Desmond Tutu

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