Tuesday, April 27

You won't relent

There's this beautiful song called "You won't relent" that I wanted to share with ya'll. Here are some lyrics from the song:

You won't relent untill you have it all
My heart is yours

I set you as a seal upon my heart
as a seal upon my arm
for there is love that is as strong as death
Jealousy as demanding as the grave
and many waters cannot quench this love

Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one

I just love how this song so delicately and truthfully displays the all-consuming love that we can have for Christ and how God feels so passionate about us. He will not relent. He won't ever give up on us. And he wants to be that powerful fire in our hearts, a power that fueled by love that is stronger than death, because Christ did overcome the grave.

And that same love that God has for us, for our hearts, is what can shape and mend and move our lives.

2 Corinthians 5: 14 says: For Christ's love compel's us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.

Here's a link to the song on Youtube. You should definitely check it out!

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